Sunday, May 25, 2008

these are so beautiful...

These lovely Iris' came from my dh's grandmother's flower garden. He and his family share ownership of the land that was once their grandparents. Last year we all went to do some clean-up at the old homeplace. DH dug up flowers for us to plant and this year the Iris' are so beautiful. See my son replanting his prized plant? He has a 50 lb cabbage plant that he put right in with the Iris' and he had to move it as it was growing so quickly. His motivation for this fun planting project of his...$1000 college scholarship for the best grown cabbage. Wish him luck! If you look closely you can actually see Curt's cabbage plant peeking out from under the flowers.


  1. Gorgeous Iris' That's fantastic that your son has such a big cabbage. Growing things is so much fun and it's great for kids isn't it? :0) mel

  2. Hi
    I am a member of SBS18 and we have a weekly competition page - and we would love it if you and your fellow sisters would like to join us. Sorry to be cheeky and ask but you are the first on the list.
    Vicky x

  3. Great photos! Hope you are doing well! : )

  4. Gorgeous!! Love the photos. So neat! Good luck with the cabbage! :D

  5. Hi stranger!
    I thought of these gorgeous irises when I planted for the first time on Sunday! Just two little things from pot to garden, but it's now Tuesday and they are still alive, so I'm excited!
    Hope all is well with job and family!

  6. Hey Tracy! Stopping by to say hello! :)
