Sunday, May 06, 2007

Sunday, Sunday

WE have had a delightful and sunny day...just enjoying the beautiful weather. The boys throwing a football around while DH grilled after church. What a nice day! Too bad we can't have more than one Sunday a week. This is our day to enjoy each other and spend a little QT together...relax, rest, play, and get ready for the upcoming work/school week. There won't be too many more weeks before the boys will be out of school. YEAH for them, chaos for me! I love having them home but I also look forward to a break when the camps begin and a week here and there at Grandma's sneaks up on us. I can't wait for some fun days at the pool or sneaking off to the beach (at the lake) to play in the sand.

Anywho...ENJOY this lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tracy! *waves* You have been tagged! Please see my blog for more details.
